Friday, December 19, 2008

Information Warfare Classification according to Schwartau

"Information Warfare: Cyberterrorism: Protecting Your Personal Security in the Electronic Age" by Schwartau

According to Schwartau, information warfare can be divided into three areas:

>> Class 1: Personal Information Warfare, where the individual is the target. It is also called Identity Theft.

>> Class 2: Corporate Information Warfare, or “the rough equivalent of what we used to call industrial espionage". It involves “patents, copyrights, business deals—that is, the real value of companies”.

>> Class 3: Government Information Warfare. The Russia-Georgia conflict is an example of this. Another example is a similar situation that developed in Estonia last year, where that former Soviet satellite’s cyber infrastructure was compromised by DoS attacks over several days after Estonian officials removed a Russian war memorial from the center of the capitol.

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